Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cool Hand Luke

I have mixed feelings about the movie Cool Hand Luke. I at first did not like this movie and found it very boring and confusing but as the movie went on I began to enjoy it more as we become more familiar with Luke’s story. This film was set in Florida and followed a group of prisoners that had been placed in a chain gang working on the side of the roads to cut down weeds and repave the roads. It specifically follows Luke, played by Paul Newman, as he is placed in the prison and has to learn the ropes and rules there and conform to them as his fellow prisoners had. But Luke is much more deviant than the rest of his bunkmates and gets himself into trouble with others in the prison as well as with the bosses. After escaping from the camp and being caught many times, Luke is able to escape one last time with his new friend Dragline but meets his fate once they catch the pair.
I though Cool Hand Luke was pretty boring up until the part where he becomes friends with Dragline and starts escaping from the prison, but once this happens the movie picks up a bit and it was more entertaining. I also thought that part of the reason why he became a more interesting character in the second half of the movie was because of the death of his mother, it gave him an edge that he didn’t have before. The warden and bosses thought that he might run away after his mother passed away so they put him in the box for the night and started being harder on him. I think this in turn caused Luke to rebel against them, and that was the reason why he started to run away. Although many people think that the egg scene is entertaining and funny, I thought it was kind of pointless because it had no real significance to the movie besides the “Christ figure” motif. I also thought this scene was very long and drawn out which made it boring especially since there was no significance to the scene.